Legal Compliance Implementation

As a natural corollary to Legal Compliance Management, Risk Assessment and Corporate Assurance services, Chess undertakes Legal Compliance Implementation services. Chess ensures that companies adhere to the provisions of law on a continual basis by effectively executing their compliance responsibilities through its extensive network of operatives and partners.

For securing Legal compliance implementation Chess undertakes the following tasks.

❶ Chess identifies & ensures compliance with all the regulatory and statutory norms governing the industry and other Compliance Obligations under various legislations.

❷ Chess Teams liaison with the Lead Managers and Implementers of the company for the timely execution of Compliance and submit the reports in this regard.

❸ Chess Implementers visit the respective locations as per the project charter.

❹ The duly filled compliance documents are verified by Chess implementers at each location before execution of the compliance task.

❺ Monthly Reports are submitted in the prescribed format.

❻ In addition, if they so choose, Companies can track their compliance status online and Chess manages the web enabled software tool eLCM ® on its own servers for this purpose.

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