Legal Update Services

In recent times there has been a plethora of changes in Indian Legal Infrastructure necessitated by growing trends of economic reforms based on de licensing and de regulation. Further we need to realign our laws to the imperatives of Globalization and WTO norms. In these circumstances the nature, context and contour of laws are changing on a regular basis. This poses great challenge to companies to constantly monitor and keep themselves abreast with new provisions of laws.
Chess provides Legal update services and has a dedicated team of professionals to cater to the need of the clients to this end. Chess provides annual eLCM® legal content update service wherever necessary including new legislations, new provisions of law, amendments, and modifications notified through Gazette notifications, circulars and press releases, as applicable to one or more of the Client Locations in respect of all the Legislative Categories and as applicable to the functioning of the software tool namely eLCM®. We keep our clients in loop about the changing nature of laws and as a part of legal risk analysis and mitigation render legal advisory services in this regard.
Other than as part of eLCM®, Chess also offers the service as a stand alone module with necessary updates on laws to companies depending on their priorities or as per Chess Assessments.